Hey world , what a wild ride this week has been, I originally wanted to get this baby out a couple days ago but life loves to get in the way so here is this weeks topic.
Let's look at Sony , it took them a week after They got hacked to say "sorry we screwed up". It's like they think its okay consumer information has already been in the hands of hackers for a week without you knowing. It's akin to being four and lying to your mom about who pushed your brother in the sand.
"I INSIST he tripped"
How about some crucial questions such as did they address the issue ? Has their security been stepped up? Well it looks like a no, considering they've been hacked a second and a third time. (Of course since I'm no it expert it may be tougher then I think if it is please enlighten me)
Make no mistake there are countless other examples of companies asleep at the switch, Ketchum (Who's CEO insulted the city he was speaking in via Twitter) . There is also a guy from the ad firm representing Chrysler tweeting (on the corporate account) about bad Detroit drivers yes it was a mistake (he meant to tweet from his personal account) but with your work on the line and the possibility of doing so much more damage why risk it?.
These examples are all new examples , Digital examples if you will. Do I have to touch on the Toyota Crisis? or the Firestone recall?
So heres some questions for these companies:
1 Do you have an ad agency (y) (n)
2 Do you or your agency have a pr department ? (y) (n)
3 Do you regularly pay ether entity ? (y) (n)
4 Do you tell them you made a boo boo ? (y) (n) And if you do , do they act on it ? (y) (n)
If not, please justify their paycheck below in a paragraph or less.
Now heres some equally condescending advice: Make the job of your pr department easier by participating and admitting when you messed up . Make sure they act quickly , or you wont look any better.
Now back to Sony and their security problem ...
Why is company they hired to do their internet security (F-secure) Still employed ? is F-Secure the best ? or even effective/good ( I hope the answer is no to at least question #1 or honestly the hackers will always win.) Honestly Sony has many options in which they can DO SOMETHING but it seems they refuse at the moment
I'm going to email them and ask whats up.
see y'all :D
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